Search results for: mate-feed-kill-repeat

Only One

Pain. Made to order. Pain. Sittin’, slappen, scatt’n on my back, try’n to relax Think’n about the facts of the crack runnin’ through the pack Division in thought about the war to be fought For tryin’ to mend the ranks, still I get no thanks They say they mean no disrespect, but dis’ is in

Killers are Quiet

Cycle of life and death supposedly goes ’round and ’round yet it stops with me Glorious hunter of my faith I have sinned Killers are quiet like the the breath of the wind Filling the shadows with forms of my own Raised by kindred of Get I was born Abomination world in disarray Killers are


I know you don’t want to see. I know you’re not part of me But you wonder just the same. So I’ll let you in on this game What’s on the top is just the beginning of the protectorate that keeps Gaia spinning It never ends, and with the gifts Luna sends, to the apocalypse


Pentex sucks! Pentex sucks!! They drain the life force of my tribe Pentex sucks! Bonegnawers suck! Bonegnawers suck!! They roll around in garbage bins All Bonegnawers suck!! (Pentex is bleeding but night is falling) The Black Hand sucks! The Black Hand sucks!! Those wyrm-tainted bastard leeches Black Hand sucks! If I had my way! If

Do Nothing/Bitchslap

The system has failed and you have failed with it No time to care, just time to say "Who gives a shit?" My mind boils as I’ve decided I’m through Fuck your position in life. I’m taking vengence on you I break down the walls of the political arena Cast the vote on FN-FAL, yeah,


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