Did you never call? I waited for your call These rivers of suggestion are driving me away The trees will bend, the cities wash away The city on the river there is a girl without a dream I’m sorry Eastern to Mountain, third party call, the lines are down The wise man built his words
It’s what I want, hurry and buy, all has been tried, follow reason and buy, Cannot shuffle in this heat, it’s all wrong Try to put that on your sleeve it’s all wrong it’s all wrong He’s got a pretty persuasion She’s got pretty persuasion God damn, pure confusion She’s got pretty persuasion It’s what
Why’re you trying to second guess me? I am tired of second guessing What will be your look this season? Who will be your book this season? Why’re you trying to second guess me? I am tired of second guessing What will be your look this season? Who will be your book this season? Here
From the inside room when the front room greeting Becomes your special book, it was simple then When the party lulls, if we fall by the side Will you be remembered? Will she be remembered? Alone in a crowd, a bartered lantern borrowed If I’m to be your camera, then who will be your face?
They crowded up to Lenin with their noses worn off A handshake is worthy if it’s all that you’ve got Metal shoes on wood push through our back There’s a splinter in your eye and it reads "REACT" They shifted the statues for harboring ghosts Reddened their necks, collared their clothes Then we danced the
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