Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton Old times they are not forgotten Look away, look away, look away Dixieland Oh I wish I was in Dixie away, away In Dixieland I’ll take my stand To live and die in Dixie In Dixieland where I was born Early Lord one frosty morn
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! Tu pure, o Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza guardi le stelle che tremano d’amore e di speranza! Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me, il nome mio nessun saprà! No, no, sulla tua bocca lo dirò, quando la luce splenderà! Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio che ti fa
Blood and thunder mix with rain Into the kingdom of darkness again Lightning flash, my body in flames All shall knee at the sound of my name My path is set, I live with no regret I am sworn to kill, never to forget No road back, I never will return Into the fire of
When they see us they will run for their lives To the end they will pay for their lies So long did we wait now we are home Here once again there’s a battle to fight Gathered together for the sound and the might So long did we wait, now we are home Now we
I surrender my soul Odin hear my call One day I’ll sit beside your throne in Valhalla’s great hall Like so many before me I’ll die with honor and pride The right of a warrior forever to fight by your side Send a sign raise the sail wave a last goodbye Destiny is calling immortality
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