Search results for: yellow

No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground

Sometimes I wake up, and I’m falling asleep,I think that maybe the curtains are closing on me,But I wake up,Yes I wake up,Smiling. Sometimes I feel the chance is surprising,Surprisingly good to be moving around,So I wake up,Yes I wake up,Smiling. So what? I feel fine,I’m OK, I’ve seen the lighter side of life,I’m alright,

Help Is Round The Corner

Stuck here, in the middle of nowhere,With a head ache, and a heavy heart,Well nothing was going quite right here,And I’m tired, I can’t play no part. Oh come on, come on,Oh what a state I’m in,Oh come on, come on,Why won’t it just sink in? Help is just around the corner, for us. Oh


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